
Digital Advertising Budgets 2016: 4 Trends You Need to Know

By Digital Information World | Covering the world marketing, social media, technology and infographics.
Did you know that Digital Advertising spend already accounts for 80% of television ad spend in 2015?! I sure the hell didn't know and could not believe it either! However, according to research conducted by MDG Advertising it is most certainly the case and it appears it will not be slowing down anytime soon. 
In their research, MDG Advertising crafted a very elegant, simple infographic that details 4 trends you need to know in regard to all things advertising budgeting in this digital age and more specifically, delving into the most likely trends they believe will emerge in 2016 and those which you as a business owner marketeer need to know.

Take a look for yourself, below, at their glorious infographic and be sure to leave a comment and let me know what you have in store in regards to your advertising budget in 2016? 
If you are late to the party and have absolutely nothing planned nor even thought about an advertising budget as an option for your small business or similar, what other means of marketing tactics or growth hacks do you have planned or have deployed in recent times? 
I would love to hear your feedback!

Digital Advertising Budgets 2016: 4 Trends You Need To Know

by MDG Advertising

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Digital Advertising Budgets 2016

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Editor of the The Social Reselling Network.

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